Designing the Invisible

Inspiring agencies & brands to design experiences that people love.

Ben De Saedeleer

Inspiration As A Service

Fueling creativity and innovation for brands and advertising agencies, we offer a unique blend of services that inspire.

  • Trend Watching: Spotting and analyzing market trends, we deliver insights that keep you ahead of the curve.

  • Content Curation: Handpicking relevant content, we foster fresh ideas and support your creative journey.

  • Strategic Desk Research: Through meticulous research and market analysis, we unearth insights that guide informed business decisions.

  • Shopper Intelligence: Deciphering customer experiences and understanding the shopper's mindset, we optimize the customer journey to drive sales.

Whether you're exploring new horizons or seeking to refine existing strategies, our tailored approach is your key to inspiration and success. Contact us to learn more.

Strategic Support

Tailored collaboration for advertising agencies and brands

Leveraging insights into consumer trends and digital communication, we forge partnerships with advertising agencies and brands. Our approach aims to innovate, inspire, and drive growth, crafting solutions that resonate with today's audience. Whether focusing on brand strategy or shopper experience, our guidance paves the way for success in every collaboration.

Interested in taking your strategy to the next level? Contact us us today.

AI Strategy

Embracing AI's potential to transform industries and catalyze productivity gains has become a universal aspiration. Yet, to unlock AI's true power, a comprehensive and coherent strategy is essential.

  • Identify Opportunities: Pinpoint the specific challenges and areas where AI can make a difference.

  • Choose the Right Tools: Select the most suitable data and tools, like low-code platforms, Process Automation tools, chatbot frameworks, or Natural Language Processing tools (such as ChatGPT).

  • Implement Automation & No-Code Solutions: Utilize the right tools for developing and deploying AI solutions, ensuring seamless integration and effectiveness.

Ready to craft a successful AI strategy that targets specific issues and fuels growth and innovation? Let's talk !

What is essential is invisible to the eye

Want to know more ? We take the time to listen to you and understand your goals before acting blindly. There are no stupid questions, don't hesitate to contact us.